Milanese cutlet

da € 12,00

Cotoletta alla Milanese is an iconic dish of Milanese cuisine, loved for its crunchiness and its simple but tasty flavour. The preparation begins with a slice of veal meat, preferably taken from the central part of the leg, which is lightly beaten with a meat mallet to make it more tender and thin. The cutlet is then dipped in flour, then in the beaten egg and finally in the breadcrumbs, pressing lightly to make the breadcrumbs adhere well to the meat. The cutlet is then fried in plenty of extra virgin olive oil or clarified butter, on both sides, until golden and crispy. It is important to check that the oil is hot before dipping the cutlet to ensure even cooking and a crispy crust. Once ready, the cutlet is drained on absorbent paper to eliminate excess oil and served hot, accompanied by lemon wedges and, if desired, a sprinkle of salt. Traditionally, the Milanese cutlet is served without side dishes to best bring out its flavor and crunchy texture.

Ingredients for one portion: Slice of veal (200-250g), Flour, Eggs, Breadcrumbs, Extra virgin olive oil or clarified butter, Lemon, Salt.

Allergens: Gluten (breadcrumbs).

Calories: Approximately 600-700 calories per serving.

Preparation time: Approximately 20-30 minutes.